Utah Tuition Assistance

There are many program in Utah that can help pay for Children’s Art Classes! This is a quick summary of how you would use these programs.

Each of these programs will pay some or all of your tuition and fees. You will need to enroll in these programs separately. Once enrolled with them you can use your program towards classes. For simplicity, we prefer that parents get reimbursed by these programs whenever possible.

Utah Fits All (UFA)

  • Summary: Income-based K-12 scholarship program that pays up to $8,000 per eligible student for private schooling options.
  • Art Class Enrollment: If you are going to be reimbursed by UFA then you enroll normally. If not, contact us to set up your enrollment.
  • Payments: Are processed monthly. If you are being reimbursed we will send you a monthly receipt. If UFA is paying directly (via their ClassWallet system) then we will send you a monthly invoice before the start of the new month.


  • Summary: A Distance Education provider where funds can be applied to Art Classes as well.
  • Art Class Enrollment: If you are going to be reimbursed by HarmonyEd then you enroll normally. If not, contact us to set up your enrollment.
  • Payments: Are processed on demand. If you are being reimbursed we will send you a monthly receipt that you can sent in batches to HarmonyEd if you wish. If HarmonyEd is paying directly (via check) we will send you a monthly invoice unless you’d like to pre-pay for several months or the entire semester.

OpenEd/My Tech High

  • Summary: A public school associated program that allows parents to customize their kids schedule. Students may be reimbursed up to $2000/year.
  • Art Class Enrollment: You will enroll regularly and be reimbursed by OpenEd. A direct pay option is being explored but not available yet.
  • Payments: TBD. Please let us know how frequently you need invoices. We will assume monthly.

Leadership Academy of Utah (LAU)

  • Summary: On-line chart school focused on leadership development. Will reimburse up to $300/semester for Children’s Art Classes.
  • Art Class Enrollment: You will enroll regularly and be reimbursed by Children’s Art Classes after we have received the reimbursement check from LAU.
  • Payments: One per semester. LAU will send us a request for an invoice provided you have registered your child as attending Children’s Art Classes.

Children First Education Fund

  • Summary: A special needs non profit organization that provide income-based scholarships.
  • Art Class Enrollment: If you are going to be reimbursed then you enroll normally. If not, contact us to set up your enrollment.
  • Payments: Are processed monthly. If you are being reimbursed we will send you a monthly receipt. If Children’s First is paying directly (via check) then we will send you a monthly invoice before the start of the new month.

Elevated Charter School

  • Summary: A virtual charter school that provides flexible class options. Can help reimburse Children’s Art Classes.
  • Art Class Enrollment: Enroll normally. You will be reimbursed by Elevated Chart School.
  • Payments: We will send you a monthly invoice before the start of the new month.

About Us

Our mission is to provide a comprehensive art education program that enriches lives, raises self-esteem, and improves the academic performance of our students.

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