Pencils, Paint, and Possibilities

Front of CAC Brownsburg Studio

As the photo shows, an art studio with the sign and classrooms ready for children! That is what we are currently building in Brownsburg. In another six weeks, we will have classes and students creating art! My current music students will be taking lessons at this site as well. What a marvelous thing!

Keep sending us positive vibes as we build, register new students, and spread the word of what this marvelous curriculum has to offer the art students on the west side of Indianapolis!

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We have a Facebook page, and we would love to have you join us there!  We will be announcing upcoming workshops and displaying the wonderful art projects created by the students! 

Children’s Art Classes, Brownsburg | Facebook

About Us

Our mission is to provide a comprehensive art education program that enriches lives, raises self-esteem, and improves the academic performance of our students.

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