Experiencing Art in Nature 

geometric clip art of woman standing on the shore painting a landscape scene

While in the thick of summertime, July is a month of travel for most families. This presents the perfect opportunity for kids to explore their passions outside the classroom. Experience all art has to offer in nature! As you are out in the backyard or at your neighborhood park, take in your surroundings and appreciate the world of art around you.

A Sensory Explosion

Kids explore the world through their senses and learn that elements such as texture, size, and color make up the objects around them. Through nature, kids are able to explore sensations such as a rough stick, a slick and smooth leaf, or a grainy, textured rock. This helps them learn to appreciate the discovery that comes along with exploring the outside world on a deeper level.

Your child will begin to build more complex nerve connections to the brain that will allow them to develop at a faster rate. Building these sensory connections also enhances their descriptive vocabulary by discovering what things like a “soft petal” or “cold water” feels like. Sensory art in nature teaches kids that there is so much more to creativity than a pencil and paper. It helps kids of all ages develop a sense of appreciation for what cannot always be found indoors. 

Recall the Elements of Art

Before paper and pencil, art was originally made from articles of nature, using materials such as leaves, sticks, and stone to sculpt new objects. This is where the Seven Elements of Line, Color, Value, Shape, Form, Space, and Texture began. Having a sense of appreciation for the development of art material and elements is important for kids. It opens their mind up to new viewpoints they may not have learned sitting at a desk. Encourage your child to dive deeper into their creative mind within the natural world and learn to identify proof points along the way. 

Take Nature Back to Class

After taking time to appreciate art in nature or on a scenic vacation, try applying what you’ve learned in an interactive class. Children’s Art Classes offers a variety of classes for all ages that incorporate all elements of art in appreciation of nature. Take a peek through our Summer Workshops for kids and sign your child up for Watercolors: Painting a Landscape or Clay Animal Masks. In these classes, your children will have the opportunity to challenge themselves and grow within the art community.

Get your kids outside this summer and let them experience all nature has to offer. If your child is passionate about art and wants to put their creativity to the test, secure their spot at your local studio today!

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Our mission is to provide a comprehensive art education program that enriches lives, raises self-esteem, and improves the academic performance of our students.

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