Art as Therapy for Kids

young girl in white shirt with hair pulled up in to a top bun smiling and holding a paint brush

In their formative years, children begin learning how to make sense of their emotions and express themselves in a way that speaks to others. It is important to give kids the opportunity to put their emotions on paper.

At Children’s Art Classes, our art courses provide this expressive outlet to kids of all ages. Art therapy gives our students a way to develop creativity, cognitive skills and comfort in expressing who they are. 

What is Art Therapy for Kids?

Art classes are more than just a fun activity for your child. Art can help them express difficult emotions, develop creative freedom and learn skills that they will take into adulthood. 

It can be hard to read your child’s emotions when they aren’t quite capable of communicating their feelings and needs. When given the opportunity to create art freely, children are better equipped to process the world around them and find safety in their work and its meaning. 

Art That Shows Emotion

The content of children’s artwork, which includes the work of art or image presented itself, can be a good indication of what your little artist is feeling or thinking. Consider your child’s likes and dislikes and what brings them joy. 

If they create a piece of art that is familiar to you, your child could be expressing feelings of comfort and familiarity with the things they love. If they choose to depict something out of the ordinary, they may be experiencing new emotions or interests. 

You should also consider the time of year, as certain holidays or events might spark particular emotions in kids. Ask your child why they chose to create what they did and how it makes them feel as a way of connecting and encouraging verbal communication. 

How Kids Use Shapes & Style

Consider the lines and angles used throughout your child’s artwork. It may not depict a specific image, but shapes can tell a lot about how they may be feeling. Soft or circular movements on the page can indicate a calmer state of mind, whereas sharp and jagged lines can indicate that your child has a lot of energy or even an overstimulated mind. 

When considering your child’s finished product, decide whether they need rest, exercise or increased social exposure based on their shapes and style choices. Drawing prompts for kids are a great way to foster creativity, as they give your child the freedom to explore shapes and styles they find meaningful. 

Colors as a Form of Expression

Colors have been a great indication of human emotion for many years. Over time, civilization has associated colors with many aspects of our everyday lives. Observe the hues that your child chooses to depict within different objects or images to gain insight into their emotion. 

You may begin to pick up on which emotions they associate certain colors with. Bright and warm colors are typically a symbol of happiness and excitement, whereas darker hues indicate mellow feelings or sadness. 

Regardless, it is important to support your child through these emotions and encourage them to express their feelings often. When kids develop the ability to communicate how they feel, they become better equipped to handle conflicts or problems. Art classes for kids are a fun way to get creative and find an outlet when words become difficult. Even if your child doesn’t struggle with communication and social skills at home or in the classroom, consider enrolling them in art classes. At Children’s Art Classes, they will have access to all the tools necessary for expressing themselves and their emotions. Register your child for fall classes today.

About Us

Our mission is to provide a comprehensive art education program that enriches lives, raises self-esteem, and improves the academic performance of our students.

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